Andree Collier Zaleska's Facebook profile

Andrée Collier Zaleska
plays guitar and mandolin, speaks Czech, loves camping, hiking, snowshoeing and swimming, and is mom to Kuba and Simon. Andree is the "practical philosopher" for the project; who muses on the bigger questions without losing track of what has to get done this week. more 


Ken Ward's Facebook profile

Ken Ward is a climate campaigner and carpenter, leader of the JP SongFest and father of Eli. He has many entrepreneurial ideas (not all of them practical), is an inveterate tinkerer (not everything works) and eco-curmudgen of the project. more



JP Green House Blog Proposal 

Link to our proposal


"The prayers of both could not be answered."

Posted by Ken Ward on Tuesday, February 17, 2009

As the economy tailspins, President Franklin D. Roosevelt has replaced Abraham Lincoln as the favored Great President of commentators, against whom Obama is most often measured (or illuminated).

President Obama still expresses his "affinity" with Lincoln and, as we are learning about this smart and subtle man, he makes the point with small, deft gestures. Seafood stew was served for lunch on Inauguration Day, just as it was for President Lincoln.

So which is he, another Lincoln or an FDR? And which crisis -- the looming secession of the southern states in 1862 or the Great Depression of 1932 -- is the better model for our own terrible straits?

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"The prayers of both could not be answered."

Posted by Ken Ward on Tuesday, February 17, 2009

As the economy tailspins, President Franklin D. Roosevelt has replaced Abraham Lincoln as the favored Great President of commentators, against whom Obama is most often measured (or illuminated).

President Obama still expresses his "affinity" with Lincoln and, as we are learning about this smart and subtle man, he makes the point with small, deft gestures. Seafood stew was served for lunch on Inauguration Day, just as it was for President Lincoln.

So which is he, another Lincoln or an FDR? And which crisis -- the looming secession of the southern states in 1862 or the Great Depression of 1932 -- is the better model for our own terrible straits?

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